if (window.TRM===undefined) {window.TRM={}};window.TRM[1737162096817676] = JSON.parse("{\"SIMPLE-ARTICLE-LIST\":[],\"viewport\":\"Desktop\",\"instanceId\":\"1737162096817676\"}"); Object.keys(window.TRM[1737162096817676]).forEach(function (k) {window.TRM[k] = window.TRM[1737162096817676][k];});;(function(data){ var domload = { readyStack: new Array(), __executeReadyStack: function () { var loopStack = false; do { var func = domload.readyStack.pop(); if (typeof func == 'function') { loopStack = true; func.call(); } else { loopStack = false; } } while (loopStack); }, ready: function (func) { this.readyStack.push(func); if (document.readyState === "complete") { this.__executeReadyStack(); } if (document.addEventListener) { document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", this.__executeReadyStack); window.addEventListener("load", this.__executeReadyStack); } else if (document.attachEvent) { document.attachEvent("onreadystatechange", this.__executeReadyStack); window.attachEvent("onload", this.__executeReadyStack); } } }; var script_tag = false; /** * Append code to enable query selector and JSON for IE 7. NOTE use only single selector, * because IE7 doesn't support multiple selectors separated by `,` */ if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf('MSIE 7') > -1) { (function (d, s) { d = document, s = d.createStyleSheet(); d.querySelectorAll = function (r, c, i, j, a) { a = d.all, c = [], r = r.replace(/\[for\b/gi, '[htmlFor').split(','); for (i = r.length; i--; ) { s.addRule(r[i], 'k:v'); for (j = a.length; j--; ) a[j].currentStyle.k && c.push(a[j]); s.removeRule(0) } return c } })(); (function () { function N(p, r) { function q(a) { if (q[a] !== w) return q[a]; var c; if ("bug-string-char-index" == a) c = "a" != "a"[0]; else if ("json" == a) c = q("json-stringify") && q("json-parse"); else { var e; if ("json-stringify" == a) { c = r.stringify; var b = "function" == typeof c && s; if (b) { (e = function () { return 1 }).toJSON = e; try { b = "0" === c(0) && "0" === c(new t) && '""' == c(new A) && c(u) === w && c(w) === w && c() === w && "1" === c(e) && "[1]" == c([e]) && "[null]" == c([w]) && "null" == c(null) && "[null,null,null]" == c([w, u, null]) && '{"a":[1,true,false,null,"\\u0000\\b\\n\\f\\r\\t"]}' == c({a: [e, !0, !1, null, "\x00\b\n\f\r\t"]}) && "1" === c(null, e) && "[\n 1,\n 2\n]" == c([1, 2], null, 1) && '"-271821-04-20T00:00:00.000Z"' == c(new C(-864E13)) && '"+275760-09-13T00:00:00.000Z"' == c(new C(864E13)) && '"-000001-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"' == c(new C(-621987552E5)) && '"1969-12-31T23:59:59.999Z"' == c(new C(-1)) } catch (f) { b = !1 } } c = b } if ("json-parse" == a) { c = r.parse; if ("function" == typeof c) try { if (0 === c("0") && !c(!1)) { e = c('{"a":[1,true,false,null,"\\u0000\\b\\n\\f\\r\\t"]}'); var n = 5 == e.a.length && 1 === e.a[0]; if (n) { try { n = !c('"\t"') } catch (d) { } if (n) try { n = 1 !== c("01") } catch (g) { } if (n) try { n = 1 !== c("1.") } catch (m) { } } } } catch (X) { n = !1 } c = n } } return q[a] = !!c } p || (p = k.Object()); r || (r = k.Object()); var t = p.Number || k.Number, A = p.String || k.String, H = p.Object || k.Object, C = p.Date || k.Date, G = p.SyntaxError || k.SyntaxError, K = p.TypeError || k.TypeError, L = p.Math || k.Math, I = p.JSON || k.JSON; "object" == typeof I && I && (r.stringify = I.stringify, r.parse = I.parse); var H = H.prototype, u = H.toString, v, B, w, s = new C(-0xc782b5b800cec); try { s = -109252 == s.getUTCFullYear() && 0 === s.getUTCMonth() && 1 === s.getUTCDate() && 10 == s.getUTCHours() && 37 == s.getUTCMinutes() && 6 == s.getUTCSeconds() && 708 == s.getUTCMilliseconds() } catch (Q) { } if (!q("json")) { var D = q("bug-string-char-index"); if (!s) var x = L.floor, M = [0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334], E = function (a, c) { return M[c] + 365 * (a - 1970) + x((a - 1969 + (c = +(1 < c))) / 4) - x((a - 1901 + c) / 100) + x((a - 1601 + c) / 400) }; (v = H.hasOwnProperty) || (v = function (a) { var c = {}, e; (c.__proto__ = null, c.__proto__ = {toString: 1}, c).toString != u ? v = function (a) { var c = this.__proto__; a = a in(this.__proto__ = null, this); this.__proto__ = c; return a } : (e = c.constructor, v = function (a) { var c = (this.constructor || e).prototype; return a in this && !(a in c && this[a] === c[a]) }); c = null; return v.call(this, a) }); B = function (a, c) { var e = 0, b, f, n; (b = function () { this.valueOf = 0 }).prototype.valueOf = 0; f = new b; for (n in f) v.call(f, n) && e++; b = f = null; e ? B = 2 == e ? function (a, c) { var e = {}, b = "[object Function]" == u.call(a), f; for (f in a) b && "prototype" == f || v.call(e, f) || !(e[f] = 1) || !v.call(a, f) || c(f) } : function (a, c) { var e = "[object Function]" == u.call(a), b, f; for (b in a) e && "prototype" == b || !v.call(a, b) || (f = "constructor" === b) || c(b); (f || v.call(a, b = "constructor")) && c(b) } : (f = "valueOf toString toLocaleString propertyIsEnumerable isPrototypeOf hasOwnProperty constructor".split(" "), B = function (a, c) { var e = "[object Function]" == u.call(a), b, h = !e && "function" != typeof a.constructor && F[typeof a.hasOwnProperty] && a.hasOwnProperty || v; for (b in a) e && "prototype" == b || !h.call(a, b) || c(b); for (e = f.length; b = f[--e]; h.call(a, b) && c(b)) ; }); return B(a, c) }; if (!q("json-stringify")) { var U = {92: "\\\\", 34: '\\"', 8: "\\b", 12: "\\f", 10: "\\n", 13: "\\r", 9: "\\t"}, y = function (a, c) { return("000000" + (c || 0)).slice(-a) }, R = function (a) { for (var c = '"', b = 0, h = a.length, f = !D || 10 < h, n = f && (D ? a.split("") : a); b < h; b++) { var d = a.charCodeAt(b); switch (d) { case 8: case 9: case 10: case 12: case 13: case 34: case 92: c += U[d]; break; default: if (32 > d) { c += "\\u00" + y(2, d.toString(16)); break } c += f ? n[b] : a.charAt(b) } } return c + '"' }, O = function (a, c, b, h, f, n, d) { var g, m, k, l, p, r, s, t, q; try { g = c[a] } catch (z) { } if ("object" == typeof g && g) if (m = u.call(g), "[object Date]" != m || v.call(g, "toJSON")) "function" == typeof g.toJSON && ("[object Number]" != m && "[object String]" != m && "[object Array]" != m || v.call(g, "toJSON")) && (g = g.toJSON(a)); else if (g > -1 / 0 && g < 1 / 0) { if (E) { l = x(g / 864E5); for (m = x(l / 365.2425) + 1970 - 1; E(m + 1, 0) <= l; m++) ; for (k = x((l - E(m, 0)) / 30.42); E(m, k + 1) <= l; k++) ; l = 1 + l - E(m, k); p = (g % 864E5 + 864E5) % 864E5; r = x(p / 36E5) % 24; s = x(p / 6E4) % 60; t = x(p / 1E3) % 60; p %= 1E3 } else m = g.getUTCFullYear(), k = g.getUTCMonth(), l = g.getUTCDate(), r = g.getUTCHours(), s = g.getUTCMinutes(), t = g.getUTCSeconds(), p = g.getUTCMilliseconds(); g = (0 >= m || 1E4 <= m ? (0 > m ? "-" : "+") + y(6, 0 > m ? -m : m) : y(4, m)) + "-" + y(2, k + 1) + "-" + y(2, l) + "T" + y(2, r) + ":" + y(2, s) + ":" + y(2, t) + "." + y(3, p) + "Z" } else g = null; b && (g = b.call(c, a, g)); if (null === g) return"null"; m = u.call(g); if ("[object Boolean]" == m) return"" + g; if ("[object Number]" == m) return g > -1 / 0 && g < 1 / 0 ? "" + g : "null"; if ("[object String]" == m) return R("" + g); if ("object" == typeof g) { for (a = d.length; a--; ) if (d[a] === g) throw K(); d.push(g); q = []; c = n; n += f; if ("[object Array]" == m) { k = 0; for (a = g.length; k < a; k++) m = O(k, g, b, h, f, n, d), q.push(m === w ? "null" : m); a = q.length ? f ? "[\n" + n + q.join(",\n" + n) + "\n" + c + "]" : "[" + q.join(",") + "]" : "[]" } else B(h || g, function (a) { var c = O(a, g, b, h, f, n, d); c !== w && q.push(R(a) + ":" + (f ? " " : "") + c) }), a = q.length ? f ? "{\n" + n + q.join(",\n" + n) + "\n" + c + "}" : "{" + q.join(",") + "}" : "{}"; d.pop(); return a } }; r.stringify = function (a, c, b) { var h, f, n, d; if (F[typeof c] && c) if ("[object Function]" == (d = u.call(c))) f = c; else if ("[object Array]" == d) { n = {}; for (var g = 0, k = c.length, l; g < k; l = c[g++], (d = u.call(l), "[object String]" == d || "[object Number]" == d) && (n[l] = 1)) ; } if (b) if ("[object Number]" == (d = u.call(b))) { if (0 < (b -= b % 1)) for (h = "", 10 < b && (b = 10); h.length < b; h += " ") ; } else "[object String]" == d && (h = 10 >= b.length ? b : b.slice(0, 10)); return O("", (l = {}, l[""] = a, l), f, n, h, "", []) } } if (!q("json-parse")) { var V = A.fromCharCode, W = {92: "\\", 34: '"', 47: "/", 98: "\b", 116: "\t", 110: "\n", 102: "\f", 114: "\r"}, b, J, l = function () { b = J = null; throw G(); }, z = function () { for (var a = J, c = a.length, e, h, f, k, d; b < c; ) switch (d = a.charCodeAt(b), d) { case 9: case 10: case 13: case 32: b++; break; case 123: case 125: case 91: case 93: case 58: case 44: return e = D ? a.charAt(b) : a[b], b++, e; case 34: e = "@"; for (b++; b < c; ) if (d = a.charCodeAt(b), 32 > d) l(); else if (92 == d) switch (d = a.charCodeAt(++b), d) { case 92: case 34: case 47: case 98: case 116: case 110: case 102: case 114: e += W[d]; b++; break; case 117: h = ++b; for (f = b + 4; b < f; b++) d = a.charCodeAt(b), 48 <= d && 57 >= d || 97 <= d && 102 >= d || 65 <= d && 70 >= d || l(); e += V("0x" + a.slice(h, b)); break; default: l() } else { if (34 == d) break; d = a.charCodeAt(b); for (h = b; 32 <= d && 92 != d && 34 != d; ) d = a.charCodeAt(++b); e += a.slice(h, b) } if (34 == a.charCodeAt(b)) return b++, e; l(); default: h = b; 45 == d && (k = !0, d = a.charCodeAt(++b)); if (48 <= d && 57 >= d) { for (48 == d && (d = a.charCodeAt(b + 1), 48 <= d && 57 >= d) && l(); b < c && (d = a.charCodeAt(b), 48 <= d && 57 >= d); b++) ; if (46 == a.charCodeAt(b)) { for (f = ++b; f < c && (d = a.charCodeAt(f), 48 <= d && 57 >= d); f++) ; f == b && l(); b = f } d = a.charCodeAt(b); if (101 == d || 69 == d) { d = a.charCodeAt(++b); 43 != d && 45 != d || b++; for (f = b; f < c && (d = a.charCodeAt(f), 48 <= d && 57 >= d); f++) ; f == b && l(); b = f } return+a.slice(h, b) } k && l(); if ("true" == a.slice(b, b + 4)) return b += 4, !0; if ("false" == a.slice(b, b + 5)) return b += 5, !1; if ("null" == a.slice(b, b + 4)) return b += 4, null; l() } return"$" }, P = function (a) { var c, b; "$" == a && l(); if ("string" == typeof a) { if ("@" == (D ? a.charAt(0) : a[0])) return a.slice(1); if ("[" == a) { for (c = []; ; b || (b = !0)) { a = z(); if ("]" == a) break; b && ("," == a ? (a = z(), "]" == a && l()) : l()); "," == a && l(); c.push(P(a)) } return c } if ("{" == a) { for (c = {}; ; b || (b = !0)) { a = z(); if ("}" == a) break; b && ("," == a ? (a = z(), "}" == a && l()) : l()); "," != a && "string" == typeof a && "@" == (D ? a.charAt(0) : a[0]) && ":" == z() || l(); c[a.slice(1)] = P(z()) } return c } l() } return a }, T = function (a, b, e) { e = S(a, b, e); e === w ? delete a[b] : a[b] = e }, S = function (a, b, e) { var h = a[b], f; if ("object" == typeof h && h) if ("[object Array]" == u.call(h)) for (f = h.length; f--; ) T(h, f, e); else B(h, function (a) { T(h, a, e) }); return e.call(a, b, h) }; r.parse = function (a, c) { var e, h; b = 0; J = "" + a; e = P(z()); "$" != z() && l(); b = J = null; return c && "[object Function]" == u.call(c) ? S((h = {}, h[""] = e, h), "", c) : e } } } r.runInContext = N; return r } var K = typeof define === "function" && define.amd, F = {"function": !0, object: !0}, G = F[typeof exports] && exports && !exports.nodeType && exports, k = F[typeof window] && window || this, t = G && F[typeof module] && module && !module.nodeType && "object" == typeof global && global; !t || t.global !== t && t.window !== t && t.self !== t || (k = t); if (G && !K) N(k, G); else { var L = k.JSON, Q = k.JSON3, M = !1, A = N(k, k.JSON3 = {noConflict: function () { M || (M = !0, k.JSON = L, k.JSON3 = Q, L = Q = null); return A }}); k.JSON = {parse: A.parse, stringify: A.stringify} } K && define(function () { return A }) }).call(this); } function evalScript(elem) { var data = (elem.text || elem.textContent || elem.innerHTML || ""), head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0] || document.documentElement, script = document.createElement("script"); script.type = "text/javascript"; try { // doesn't work on ie... script.appendChild(document.createTextNode(data)); 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